An inside story Out of all those sleepless nights, wearied brains is it just the number that all matters!She sensed the obscene voices… Continue reading “An inside story”…
A little about her No sooner did Saraswathi step inside the hall, she caught sight of a tiny trophy on the display shelf. It… Continue reading “A little about her”…
Story behind ‘blah blah blah’ No wonder, we all know what blah blah blah is about. But do we really know how it all started… Continue reading “Story behind ‘blah blah blah’”…
What the hell ‘K’ is doing in ‘Knife’ ! That’s 2 AM and suddenly one craziest friend of mine has puzzled me with an intriguing question. Have you ever… Continue reading “What the hell ‘K’ is doing in ‘Knife’ !”…