PRANAYAMA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE Pranayama ( प्राणायाम – Prāṇāyāma) Prāna means life force/ life energy / Breath. āyāma means to extend, draw out, restrain,… Continue reading “PRANAYAMA FOR PHYSICAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE”…
FRIENDS WITH DESPAIR They are scary! They are terrifying! Who are they? “They” are the feelings inside our mind. Fear, Negativity, Insecurity, Possessiveness,… Continue reading “FRIENDS WITH DESPAIR”…
MYTHS VS FACTS India is a Land of diversity and people live here of different caste, creed and culture. Article 25th of the… Continue reading “MYTHS VS FACTS”…
How To Make/ Break A Habit ? Okay, let’s cut to the chase whenever you watch a video or read an article about habits they say the… Continue reading “How To Make/ Break A Habit ?”…
Overthinking To Superthinking(Part-2) It was during my bachelors, I realized that I am an over thinker. It was mainly because of all the… Continue reading “Overthinking To Superthinking(Part-2)”…
Overthinking To Superthinking I would like to start sharing my views on the subject of overthinking by giving a disclaimer. The views presented… Continue reading “Overthinking To Superthinking”…